how to make run cron on OSX 10.6.2?

Solution 1:

I doubt you waited until 1 minute past the hour for your test. To run every minute:

0-59 * * * * echo 'test' > /Users/radek/Backup/rationalvmware/test.txt

Solution 2:

The cron utility is launched by launchd when it sees the existence of /etc/crontab or files in /usr/lib/cron/tabs. There should be no need to start it manually. (See the man pages.)

To see logs of OS X, you can use Console Utility.

Solution 3:

Two other ways are to use:

*/1 * * * * echo 'test' > /Users/radek/Backup/rationalvmware/test.txt


* * * * * echo 'test' > /Users/radek/Backup/rationalvmware/test.txt

These both run every minute.

Solution 4:

First, you need to set your $EDITOR variable to something reasonable, since what you did set it to something you don't want. Set it like this:


You can change joe to another text editor, such as nanoor vim.

Then, you'll want to edit your crontab, which is done like so:

crontab -e

Then you'll put in the text for cron to use.