How do I get Skype 4.0 to open multiple chat windows?

Since Skype 4.0 I'm not able to open more than one chat window. If I want to chat with more than one person I have to close person one's chat window and open one with person two. Even if I click on person two's entry in the contact list and click on "chat" the window of person one will be replaced with person two's chat window.

I suspect there is an option in the preferences o change this obnoxious behavior but I can't seem to find it.

So how do I have Skype 4.0 open a separate chat window every person without replacing the old one?

Again this problem is new in 4.0, i.e. 2.0 Beta didn't have that problem.

Solution 1:

From the Skype Support Center:

It’s possible to show instant message conversations in separate windows. To do so:

  • Sign in to Skype.
  • In the menu bar, click View.
  • Select Compact View.

For older versions read below this line.

Alright after extensive trying I found out.

  1. Click the Skype Icon on the bottom left of the main Window
  2. In the Menu select "Options"
  3. In the resulting Window select "Chat" on the left
  4. Then uncheck the checkbox to the left of "User Default View"

Skype OptionsEnable multiple Chat Windows

Solution 2:

On the current version of Skype, on Windows, we have this option View > Compact.

I'm thinking in the current version of Skype that option may also be available on Ubuntu, but I don't have a system at hand to test it...

Solution 3:

Right click on each contact you want to have in a separate window, "Pop-out chat".