How to make Dock less sensitive

Solution 1:

Try following in Terminal to adjust the Dock behavior.

defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.5

compliment that with killall Dock to make it active.

The number at the end is in seconds (delay) so choose what it suits you.

To return to original settings use

defaults delete autohide-time-modifier

Solution 2:

My personal solution?

a) Put the dock on the side of the screen, not at the bottom. Screens are generally wider than they are tall, and documents are generally taller than they are wide. Screen real estate is much more precious at the bottom than at the sides.

b) Never let the dock hide. Having the dock hide is not useful, because the space it covers isn't really available for anything else, as you've noticed. A hidden dock entices you to put things in places on your screen that you cannot reach.

But that's just my opinion. Yours may vary, or course. But you did ask....