Why do I have to double click right mouse button to get the pop-up menu

It happens after I get a new macbook for work. This is a Macbook Pro(Retina, 2012) with OS X Yosemite. I created a new user, and checked 'click or tap with two fingers' for the 'Secondary click'. However, the right-click menu doesn't show up when I tap or click with two fingers, nor if I right click an external mouse. I have to right click twice, very quickly, either on the trackpad or an external mouse, in order to get the pop-up menu.

This is really annoying and I haven't found any solutions online.

Update 1: I changed the 'Secondary click' setting to something else and then back to 'click or tap with two fingers'. And now everything works expect for Google Chrome. I still have to double-right-click on a webpage in Chrome to bring up the menu. However, interestingly, on the tab bar and tool bar, etc., (i.e., everywhere except for the webpage itself in Chrome), a single-right-click works...

I uninstall Chrome extension "crxMouse Chrome Gestures" and install Smooth Gestures Plus and its plugin SmoothGesturesPlusExtras. Solve my problem but the extension isn't free.

Check whether you have the SmoothGestures plugin installed. This is a known issue.

You can navigate to chrome://extensions/ and disable SmoothGestures to see if it fixes the issue.

Source: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/PlsuvMGbi_o

SmoothGestures has released an additional plugin to work around this issue. http://www.smoothgestures.com/installplugin.html

If the problem is not the SmoothGestures plugin, check other Chrome plugins to make sure they aren't changing the mouse behavior either.