Disable notification center in Yosemite
Like the spotlight search icon, the notification centre icon cannot be removed from the status bar using OS X. You should use the bartender program to hide that icon.
It works with Yosemite and has the feature you seek:
With Bartender you can hide or move the Notification Center menu bar item, but still use Notification Center.
Solution (not perfect because it leaves the space of the icon in the menu bar, but it's always better than nothing), type this in the Terminal and confirm with your password :
sudo rm System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/Resources/menuitemNormal.pdf
And reboot your computer (or close and reopen your session).
Explanation :
I was searching for the same thing, so I searched where the file image of the icon is in the system, and it was not hard to find it.
First, I looked for something related to the user interface in the Activity Monitor, and I found SystemUIServer. Next, I searched its emplacement in the hard drive, I used Show Package Contents, and I looked in the Resources folder. Bingo, the icon was this pdf file ! Next step was as simple as deleting it.