How to drop a table using mouse and context menu or main menu on DBeaver?

DBeaver is rather good with all the necessary features.

However, something is missing. I'm using DBeaver to connect to PostgreSQL. The UI shows databases, table list, etc., right-clicking on a table would open context menu. The context menu allows creating generic SQL commands.

The missing one is the 'drop table' menu item, especially, when I need to drop multiple tables.

There's no such 'drop table' menu item on context menu or main menu? I would like to select multiple tables to drop.

Solution 1:

The delete functionality is hidden by default, but it is there when using the Advanced connection view.

You can enter the view by right clicking on the connection you're using and changing Connection view from Simple to Advanced. After it prompts you to restart the connection, a Delete option will appear in the context menu when selecting tables. This will allow you to instantly delete one or multiple tables in two clicks.