Finding differences between files (xlsx) due to SAP BI update

I am at work testing a new version for our frontend dwh (SAP BI 4.2 -> 4.3). I realized that the exported excel files seem to work differently now. They are still .xlsx files and look the same, but existing vbs scripts don't work anymore when it comes to pasting data. The error that always occurs is:

This action won't work on multiple selections

One simple code example where this error occurs is:

For i = 4 To 29
objWorkbook.Worksheets("Worksheet").Range("D"&i&":M"&i).PasteSpecial -4163, -4142, False, False

The cells only have numbers, nothing more. And it is always the PasteSpecial line causing the error.

As I said, I can't find any differences in the exported excel files (4.1 vs 4.2), but I saw that in one case for example the "new" file is 19kb big - the old one (working for the script) is 18,9kb.

Is there any way to find out what the difference is between the two files? Or does anyone know why this error in vbs is now occurring?

Found the problem. Simply was because of a bugged SAP BI export; adding tabs for example didn't work either before (same multiple selection error).