Nested IF Function Microsoft Excel

I'm trying to use a nested if function in Excel for data in a table but I'm getting an error message saying that I have too many arguments. I tried reading previous answers to similar questions but I'm still confused. Can someone please offer assistance? Here is the data:

(Cutoff Value:< 22,000;Display Value†: 1 - V Low);
(Cutoff Value:<30,000;Display Value: 2-Low);
(Cutoff Value:<38,000;Display Value: 3- Med);
(Cutoff Value:<46,000;Display Value: 4-High);
(Cutoff Value:>=46,000;Display Value: 5-V High).

Here is my Nested IF function: =IF(F2<22,000,"Vlow",IF(F2<30,000,"Low",IF(F2<38,000,"Med",IF(F2<46,000,"high","V high"))))

It looks like you are using a comma for a thousands separator in your values. Try typing for instance 22000 instead of 22,000 (except if the zeros are trailing decimal zeros the you should use a period.)

I've change the formula to the one below and it works:

=IF(F2<22000,"V low",IF(F2<30000,"Low",IF(F2<38000,"Med",IF(F2<46000,"high","V high"))))