Select hardcoded values without table

I need to run a select without actually connecting to any table. I just have a predefined hardcoded set of values I need to loop over:


And I want to loop through those values. I can do:

select 'foo', 'bar', 'fooBar';

But this returns it as one row:

 ?column? | ?column? | ?column? 
 foo      | bar      | fooBar
(1 row)

I am using Postgresql.

select a
from (
    values ('foo'), ('bar'), ('fooBar')
) s(a);

Using unnest()

expand an array to a set of rows

select unnest(array['foo', 'bar', 'fooBar']);


Postgres SQL:

For static data output as single row and multiple columns representation use following query:

select a,b,c from (values('foo','bar','fooBar')) s(a,b,c);

result of this SQL query:

enter image description here