Can My Personal GMail Query A Remote LDAP Server?

Solution 1:

I don't know of a specific product that will do this for you, but I can envisage the rough process you'll need to go through:

  1. Extract the user SMTP addresses & Names from LDAP. This is most certainly possible and you probably want to try and get it into a CSV format. You could do this with VBScript (check this out) or perhaps PowerShell (see here).
  2. Transform this into a suitable format for GMail contacts. Since GMail accepts CSV, you might be able to do this with no or minimal alteration to your export data. Here's the skinny on GMail's acceptable CSV format.
  3. Load your data into GMail.

Once you've figured out your tool chain/process for this, you may find you can schedule it to run without your intervention. I would imagine many other people would be very interested in a writeup, too!