Is there a known table or calculation of the ranking system?

Solution 1:

It's a custom Valve's variation of the Elo Ranking System and no official documentation has been released.

Solution 2:

For now I have found a guide that exactly shows how the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ELO system works.

I have found it in German and English.

As a very short summary, it states that:

Every rank in CS:GO stands for a specific ELO value. All ELOs from a team are summed up. At the end of the game, those points are spilled across the winning team. Lower ranks get a little bit more points as the high ranks, if they share a team. If you reach the range of another rank, you're going to be upranked. Headshots, positioning and so on are not counted towards those points and don't affect your rank. Well, those MVP stars will give a big ELO bonus on top.