How do you survive thunderstorms?

Elite monsters with the new Thunderstorm affix rain lightning bolts down directly on your head. With other affixes, there are usually ways to predict and dodge their attacks. The monster gives you some kind of indication about where the attack is coming and you can prepare before it actually hits you.

Is there such a mechanism with thunderstorms? How can you deal with thunderstorm enemies most effectively?

Solution 1:

Thunderstorm damage is quite limited. As long as you have an adequate health reserve you can continously ignore the lightning storm effect (as Frank mentioned) and just stand in it and use your life leech / life on hit to outheal the damage. The thunderstorm is an area of effect mechanic, which is instantly placed; just move out the area of effect and the effect is no longer relevant for you until cast at a new place.

Otherwise: most classes have some sort of evasion mechanic. Vault or Shadow Form with Demon Hunter, ... Use it and just get out of the area of effect.