What's a positive word for "disruptive"?

Solution 1:

Disruptive is often used in a positive light in the business sense that you are describing.

For example:

Disruptive innovation - The iPhone was a disruptive technological innovation that reinvented the smartphone market.

I agree that many will be tempted to assign a negative value to the argument if you begin with disruptive. But, context should bear this usage out.

Otherwise, you can use terms like reimagining, iconoclastic, revolutionary, etc.. But, these tend to read like advertising copy.

Radical technologic shift carries a similar meaning without using the word disruptive.

Solution 2:

Noting the OP's comment below, here are some other suggestions:

Revolutionary: causing or relating to a great or complete change. (ref) Radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc.: a revolutionary discovery.

Transformational : causing a change or alteration, especially a radical one.

Disruptive innovation is taken to have a positive effect.

Disruptive innovation is a breakout innovation that escapes from incremental changes that might ordinarily set the pace of advances in products and technology.

Development of the transistor or of the integrated circuit are examples of disruptive innovation. Internet development may have had (and still has the potential for more) a strong element of disruptive innovation