How to start a terminal window in the center of the screen?
It's kind of annoying how some Ubuntu (GNOME, X Window System) programs start at the top left of my screen. Is there a way to make the program start in the center of the screen.
(Yeah I know it's a pretty trivial question but it is annoying ;-)
you can use x's geometry to set this.
depending on your x version it can vary.
the man page and it should explain the geometry options
xterm 80x24+nxn or similar.
In gnome-terminal (ubuntu) the geometry specification is slightly different:
gnome-terminal --geometry=114x32+0+0
As ever the man pages are your friend:
man gnome-terminal
The question title is only about the Terminal, however, it seems the body is more general about "programs start at the top left of [… the] screen".
So, since GNOME v3.30 there is a visible option in GNOME Tweaks, which makes it easy to enable it for all windows:
Just select "Center New Windows" under "Windows".