Custom Name Data Tags with /summon

I am currently making a map where all the mobs have names. While beta-testing, I summoned a magma cube named "Limus" with this command:

/summon LavaSlime ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Limus",Size:0.5}

(in the 1.8 snapshot 14w06b)

Things seemed to work. Except, when I walked away from the slime I could still see the name tag, even when not looking at it. The same thing happened in 1.7.4 once (but I can't remember specifics) - which means it's not 1.8's fault.

I have a map in 1.7 which summons named zombies, and they only show their names when you look at them within a certain distance. What data tag would I add to make it so that the magma cube (or any other mob) would only show their name within a certain distance and when you look at them?

PS 40k question! :D

Solution 1:

You want to set CustomNameVisible (byte) to True (1)