How do find snowy taiga biomes?

Solution 1:

Biomes are generated randomly. The short answer is to keep walking, and you will eventually find one.

There are a few things you can do to improve your odds though:

  • Best way: Use a seed. Just find a seed that starts you off in or near a taiga biome.

  • Next best way: map your current seed. You can map your seed with a mapping program like Amidst. This will allow you to easily find where the taiga biomes are. You can output your seed by hittng t and entering /seed.

  • Least cheaty way: Look for neighbouring biomes. Recently, biomes can only border other similar biomes. A desert cannot be next to a taiga biome for example. If you head towards 'colder' biomes in your exploration, you will be more likely to find a taiga than if you explore near deserts.

Solution 2:

The only 100% way to make sure you always find a cold taiga biome is if you get a seed that spawns you in that biome, otherwise biomes are generated randomly.

On AMIDST, cold taiga biomes look like this

Screenshot of AMIDST

You just need to roll your mouse over each biome to find the one you are looking for.