Why doesn't Hibernate work any more (Windows 7)?

I am having a problem with Hibernating my Windows 7 PC. When ever I try to hibernate, the screen goes blank for a while, there's disk activity and then I am presented with the Login Screen.

I've tried enabling/disabling hibernation, not helped. When I run shutdown /h I get a error: "The system cannot find the file specified.(2)"

I've checked and "hiberfil.sys" does exist.

How can I get hibernation working again?

EDIT: Just ran shutdown /h and monitored it with Process Monitor (something I should have done at the beginning) and the only file it cannot find is "C:\Windows\rescache\rc0008":

08:10:24.6198561 AM shutdown.exe    3684    CreateFile  C:\Windows\rescache\rc0008  NAME NOT FOUND  Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a

I went to "C:\Windows\rescache" and saw:

rc0006 (Folder)

rc0007 (Folder)

ResCache.mni (File)

Now I tried just copying rc0007 and rename it to rc0008 but I get a access denied error (even when running as Administrator). Should I bother going into safe mode and copying and renaming rc0007 to rc0008. Will it help? Does this shed some light on the problem?

Because your system partition is not active anymore.

Click start - right click "Computer" - click "Manage" - go to Storage - Disk Management - Right Click Windows Partition And "Mark Partition As Active".

Try recreating the hibernate file:

  1. Open cmd.exe in admin mode, by typing cmd in start menu and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter
  2. Type powercfg -h off
  3. Type powercfg -h on

Check if you can hibernate now.

Fixed the problem. On the "advice" from a friend, I set the active partition from the 100mb "System" to C:. Restarted, "Windows Boot Manager Failed to Load Windows". Inserted installation DVD and select "Repair your Computer". When it was searching OS's it came up and said I had a boot manager problem and do I want to repair it? I did and Windows loaded. I can now hibernate! I can also see Windows 7 listed in the “Start-up and Recovery” Options (see this question). Windows boots instantly and is actually a lot snappier! I have no idea how this could have helped, but it did. The only problem is that the Windows Boot Screen is the old "Vista" style (i.e. just a progress bar at the bottom), so anyone knows how to fix this, then please say.

Got the same problem:

>shutdown /h
The system cannot find the file specified.(2)

My solution was enabling automount via diskpart.exe:

Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7601
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: FELIX-T420SI

DISKPART> automount

Automatic mounting of new volumes disabled.

DISKPART> automount enable

Automatic mounting of new volumes enabled.


Following a restart, hibernation now works.