Get songs off of Windows iPod and onto a Mac

I have been using iTunes on a Dell running Windows XP to sync about 60 gigs of songs with my old school iPod. Well, the Dell's hard drive died the other day, and the only place that I have my music is on the iPod (I do have the CDs, but really don't want to have to re-rip 60 gigs of music).

So, now I have a shiny new MacBook Pro. Is there a way to get my songs off of my iPod and onto the MacBook? I googled, and found Senuti. But, I'm leery of accidentally formating the iPod and losing my songs, and I can't tell if it is Snow Leopard compatible yet.

Has anyone recently gone through this process? Please provide suggestions for copying songs from an iPod formated to work with Windows onto a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard.


Solution 1:

Ars Technica has a whole guide on this. They recommend PodWorks for OS X, iRip for Windows and gtkpod for Linux.

Solution 2:

You should be able to mount the iPod as a usb drive and in the hidden iPod_Control\Music folder. All of your files are there, but the file names are monged. You can copy the files off of the iPod onto a drive. If you have iTunes you can "Add Folder to Library" and iTunes should reorganize them. It probably won't fix the file names, but file names don't really mean anything in iTunes as long as the metadata is stil intact, which it should be.

Hope that helps.