Windows 7 Audio Too Loud

If software solutions don't work you may want to buy, or build a inline attenuator (google link cause i can't recommend anything specifically) - which is a 'fixed' volume reduction device, or some kind of extension cable with a volume control - this is recommended in this answer for another question . I've heard of this happening with very sensitive IEMs, some of which come with an optional attenuator.

enter image description here

Its a pretty simple device. Interestingly, I got the image from this thread on macrumours that says pretty good things about them with (admittedly old) macbooks .

What works for me (with Windows 10) is Equalizer APO (discovered in this forum post).


  • Download, install (while selecting the appropriate device) and reboot
  • Open C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\config.txt
  • Replace with Preamp: -24 dB (or a similar value of your liking)

Changes are applied immediately when saving the file.

I have verified that I can set the output level for different speaker devices in Windows 7 (64 bit) independent of one another and independent of the system main volume using this method (for USB powered devices):

  1. Plug in your Headset

  2. Click Start->Control Panel->Sound

  3. Choose your Headset and click 'Properties'

enter image description here

  1. Click the 'Levels' tab

enter image description here

  1. Drag the slider left to a reasonable level and click 'OK'

enter image description here