How to find Array length inside the Handlebar templates?

I have a Handlebars template which is rendered using a json object. In this json I am sending an array. Like this:

var json = {

Now in my template I want to find the length of this array. Something like:

{{#each item}}
   {{ array.length }}

Couldn't find it in the Handlebars documentation.

My Bad....

{{array.length}} actually worked inside the template. Should have checked/tested it before posting it here.

In this case you need to reference the parent variable of the each from within the each block:

{{#each array}}

I think your variable being named "array" is probably conflating the issue as well. Let's assume some different JSON just to clarify:

var json = {

So then doing this:

    {{#each fruit}}
        <li>{{this}} {{@index}} {{../fruit.length}}</li>

Would yield:

    <li>apple 0 3</li>
    <li>orange 1 3</li>
    <li>banana 2 3</li>

You can define simple helper to handle it:

Handlebars.registerHelper('get_length', function (obj) {
 return obj.length;

And then use it in your template eg:

{{get_length some_object}}