How does DNS TTL work in chained CNAME configurations?

I have a DNS config that looks something like this:                 600  IN   CNAME      600  IN   CNAME ssl-endpoint-12345.hostcorp.example
ssl-endpoint-12345.hostcorp.example 60   IN   A

So the first two CNAME records in the chain have a TTL of 10 minutes, and the final A record has a TTL of 1 minute

The CNAME does regional load-balancing between multiple endpoints, and is automatically updated if my DNS provider determines that the current endpoint is unhealthy. For this reason, I would like to propagate changes to the CNAME as quickly as possible.

If I wanted to reduce overall TTL that clients see when changes, is it sufficient to only reduce the TTL of the record, or do I also need to reduce the TTL on the record as well?

Solution 1:

The TTL for CNAME records does not work in any way differently than other records.

Let us imagine a recursive resolver through which the above goes. It then fills its cache with:

  • CNAME valid for 600s
  • CNAME valid for 600s
  • ssl-endpoint-12345.hostcorp.example A valid for 60s

If someone later query ssl-endpoint-12345.hostcorp.example A directly, then the 60s TTL applies.

But if the query comes for, then the resolver will see it doesn't have an A record, but a CNAME and then reuse all of the above.

66s (for example) after the above, is still in the resolver cache, but ssl-endpoint-12345.hostcorp.example A won't be anymore so the resolver will have to do a new DNS query to get that data, and cache it.