VSCode SSH with multiple hops

I'd like to edit code on a remote machine. The VSCode SSH extension offers this feature, but I can only get it to work for a single hop. Here's what I've tried so far:

  • Click on 'Remote Explorer' in VSCode sidebar
  • Click + for 'Add Target'
  • Enter the multiple-hop ssh command: ssh -A userA@hostA ssh userB@hostB
  • Select ~/.ssh/config as the SSH config file to update
  • When I do this, only the information from the first SSH hop is entered into the config file:
Host hostA
  HostName hostA
  ForwardAgent yes
  User userA

How can I get VSCode to correctly establish a multiple-hop ssh connection?

Solution 1:

After reading this answer, I updated the ~/.ssh/config file as follows:

Host hostB
  HostName hostB
  User userB
  ProxyCommand ssh userA@hostA -W %h:%p

and I was able to connect.

Solution 2:

I believe the cleanest way to do this would be to add the following in the ~/.ssh/config

Host HostA
  HostName hostA
  User userA

Host HostB
  HostName hostB
  User userB
  ProxyJump HostA

Now you just need to type ssh HostB to reach the remote machine.

HostA will act as middle man between you and HostB.