Ping fails to find host but NSLookup resolves okay on Windows

We have an intermittent problem on Windows 8 whereby Ping fails to find the host but NSLookup resolves it correctly.

  • Ping host1 - fails with ping could not find host
  • Ping host1.domain.local - also fails with ping could not find host
  • IPConfig /displayDNS - lists host1 as Name does not exist
  • NSLookup host1 - works fine and resolves router correctly.

Have now done a network trace on this and seemingly found the following:

  1. The first ping request for host1 does not look to DNS for resolution but NbtNs, this fails and writes that failure to DNS cache.
  2. Second ping request for host1.domain.local does actually look to DNS for resolution but looks to secondary DNS server rather than Primary DNS server! This fails because secondary DNS server is on the
    external network, external to the domain.
  3. Any subsequent ping requests to either host1 or host1.domain.local fail because they are answered by the DNS cache with the previous failures.

Does any of this make sense, moreover what can I do to correct this weird behaviour and get Win 8 networking stack functioning properly?

I have read about this intermittent problem in various other threads but still no one seems to have a long term solution.

Solution 1:

Think I got it. Was having the same problem. Turned off IPV6 (disabled protocol in network adapter properties, i.e. unchecked box), and now it works.

By the way, I had to turn off IPV6 on the DNS server too.