How do I convert a single char to a string?

I'd like to enumerate a string and instead of it returning chars I'd like to have the iterative variable be of type string. This probably isn't possible to have the iterative type be a string so what is the most efficient way to iterate through this string?

Do I need to create a new string object with each iteration of the loop or can I perform a cast somehow?

String myString = "Hello, World";
foreach (Char c in myString)
    // what I want to do in here is get a string representation of c
    // but I can't cast expression of type 'char' to type 'string'
    String cString = (String)c; // this will not compile

Use the .ToString() Method

String myString = "Hello, World";
foreach (Char c in myString)
    String cString = c.ToString(); 

You have two options. Create a string object or call ToString method.

String cString = c.ToString();
String cString2 = new String(c, 1); // second parameter indicates
                                    // how many times it should be repeated

With C# 6 interpolation:

char ch = 'A';
string s = $"{ch}";

This shaves a few bytes. :)

It seems that the obvious thing to do is this:

String cString = c.ToString()

Create a new string from the char.

 String cString = new String(new char[] { c });


 String cString = c.ToString();