Rsync command to synchronize two NTFS drives?

Solution 1:

With rsync on unix, use --archive, and don't forget the --sparse and --hard-links options. I don't know if NTFS or the NTFS driver you use (ntfs-3g or kernel) supports sparse files and/or hardlinks, but it's good practice when using rsync for backups.

Also remember that --archive doesn't do --acls and --xattrs, but with NTFS, that doesn't matter.

I don't know how different rsync behaves on a Windows system, though.

Solution 2:

To rsync between Linux ext4/xfs and windows ntfs mounts


To rsync between two ntfs mounts :

If the intent is to back-up the contents to ntfs mount using rsync and only transfer delta to ntfs partition, don't use rsync with archive (-a) option.

rsync archive is equivalent to -rlptgoD and doesn't work with ntfs partition effectively.

Instead, try:

rsync -rvh --size-only --progress /path/to/ext4/ /path/to/ntfs/

rsync -rvh --size-only --progress /path/to/ntfs1/ /path/to/ntfs2/


[ram@thinkred1cartoon ~]$ df -PhT
Filesystem                       Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rhel-home            xfs       192G  175G   17G  92% /home
/dev/sdb2                        fuseblk   671G  564G  107G  85% /run/media/raman/Windows7_OS
/dev/sda2                        fuseblk   1.6T  513G  1.1T  32% /run/media/raman/Seagate

rsync -rvh --size-only --progress /home/ /run/media/raman/Windows7_OS/

rsync -rvh --size-only --progress /run/media/raman/Seagate/ /run/media/raman/Windows7_OS/


-r = recursive

--size-only = skip files that matches in size

-v = verbose          (optional)
-h = human readable   (optional)
--progress = progress (optional)

Here are some more rsync hacks