How can I run a process as "NT Authority\NetworkService"?

Solution 1:

You can use devxexec:

For example:

devxexec.exe /user:NETWORK_SERVICE cmd

Solution 2:

"The scripting guy" has already answered this question here:

You'll just need to include the WMI call to grab the machine model number...

My implementation went like this:

Set objSysInfo  = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set objUser     = GetObject("LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName)
Set objComputer = GetObject("LDAP://" & objSysInfo.ComputerName) 

If objComputer.operatingSystem = "Windows*Server*" Then
    strMessage = objUser.CN & " logged on to " & objComputer.CN & " " & Day(Date) & "/" & Month(Date) & "/" & Year(Date) & " " & Time & "." 

    objComputer.Description = strMessage
End If

Call the above script from a GPO, using: User Config -> Windows Settings -> Scripts -> Logon

Then just update the permissions on the OU, so that users can modify the computer object descriptions, like this: screencap