MacBook sound balance changes on its own

Platform: 2017 MacBook Pro, running macOS Catalina 10.15.2

Context: I had a pair of broken headphones where the right bud was much quieter than the left. So, I adjusted the volume settings on my MacBook to output more volume to the right to balance out the volume in my broken headphones. Now that I have a new pair, I adjusted the volume slider back to the center.

Problem: Sometimes my Mac will randomly revert back to outputting more volume to the right. Things that tend to trigger the reset include: when I wake it up from sleeping, plugging it in to charge, and unplugging headphones and plugging them back in. These actions do not always cause the reset, but they do frequently enough to the point where I need to go back in and manually change the volume balance back to the center multiple times per day.

Question: I've tried looking up solutions, to no avail - do you have any idea how I can finally get the damn thing to remember my volume settings? Can I just reset the volume settings to factory default or something? Manually fixing the volume balance again, and again, and again, every day, is really starting to get on my nerves. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks!

I don't know what causes this, but I found and use which is free software to reset the balance when it goes off.

Had the same problem, when I centred the audio then changed volume it would drift to the right. I found going into the Audio Midi app, choosing the correct 2 channel audio out source (what ever the name of your headphones are but not the mic channel if you have one), change the format to 1 channel 16-bit integer, then change it back to 2 channel 32-bit again. After this the audio remained balanced.