What is the way to use FTP and Notepad++ (without using its build-in FTP or a FTP client like FileZilla)?

I use Notepad++ for more than 2 years now, and there's only 1 thing that it needs for me to be perfect: a actually-working-ftp-plugin.

It has an FTP plugin, written by someone that meanwhile left the project (by meanwhile I mean a long time ago), and since then nobody had courage to improve it. The problem is that it does't handle connections very well. Sometimes it lost connection with the server and literally "blocks", others don't save the files properly, other only load half of the FTP files, etc etc ..

My question is: Is there a way to use FTP and Notepad++ (without using its build-in FTP or a FTP client like FileZilla)?

I've tried using NetDrive, but it gets stuck sometimes (makes the editor crash), and everytime the temporary file is refreshed by windows / NetDrive, it will load the new file without asking and skip the pointer to the end of the file (very very very annoying).

In case you know how to make the built-in notepad++ ftp plugin work at 100%, I'd be much more happy!

I'd like to have some feedback from you guys :)

(I'm using Windows Vista)

Thanks in advance!

Here is my "Notepad++ FTP best solution" I use WinSCP and set NP++ as a default editor. When I open a connection in WinSCP, select a file and hit F4 the file is opened in WINDOWS\Temp with NP++, when I save that file WinSCP automatically uploads it back to server. Works like a charm! WinSCP is the most stable thing I ever tried, it never looses a connection. FTP_synchronize sucks. Manual upload is not handy. So WinSCP+NP++ is the best solution. Give it a try.

I use FTP Synchronize. It automatically updates the FTP server when you save, so you can save then instantly refresh your browser if working on web content. There is also FTPExplorer which acts like an explorer window with FTP functionality from within Notepad++.