Automatically Mute Windows on Shut Down

Solution 1:

AutoMute - a little portable program designed specifically for this. Automatically mutes on logoff, shutdown, so the next start up is quiet. Also enables a keyboard shortcut for quick quieting down.

alt text

Solution 2:

This is a bit of a hack, but here goes:

You can use NirCmd to do some useful things from the command line. One of these is muting the system audio. The command you'll need is:

nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1

Put this line in a batch script, then set it up as a shutdown script, so it will run every time you shut down.

Solution 3:

To complement lc's answer, I suggest that you create a WSH script, like the one below. Write the following code in Notepad, then save it as a mute.vbs file:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For i=1 To 100

(based on an article found with Google at

The script turns the volume down to minimum (an alternative would be to mute the sound, with the &hAD code; that however would toggle the "muted" state, so unless you know how to check the "muted" state from the script, you couldn't be sure if the sound is off or on afterwards).

You should be able to register this script for Windows shutdown with the methods linked to by lc in his answer. (Note however, that on Vista Home Premium those are apparently unavailable).

Solution 4:

Not sure what you mean but you can turn off the shutdown noise in the "Sounds" Control Panel application

See here for how to do this