How to put a (Start) Menu button on Fluxbox Toolbar

I often run programs maximized (leaving no desktop area). I want to be able to use my mouse alone to open the menu, and my mouse has no scroll wheel. I'm just going for a simple old school windows look.

How can I put a menu button on the fluxbox toolbar?

Solution 1:

In your $HOME/.fluxbox/init file, look for the line that defines the tools on your toolbar, and add a "RootMenu" item where you want it to appear. Here's what mine looks like:  RootMenu, iconbar, systemtray, clock

Solution 2:

Edit: Solution at

there's the Fluxbox Tray Menu but unfortunately it has to be in the system tray...

right now I'm using "Mod4 Mouse3 :RootMenu" and "OnToolbar Mouse2 :RootMenu" in my keys file