Why did my Bluetooth headset disappear from Sound Settings and how can I get it back?

Solution 1:

Found my answer here:

Get rid of 0.5s latency when playing audio over Bluetooth with A2DP

blt@aurora:/$ pactl list cards short
0   alsa_card.pci-0000_01_00.1  module-alsa-card.c
1   alsa_card.usb-Generic_Turtle_Beach_USB_Headset_0000000001-00-Headset    module-alsa-card.c
2   alsa_card.pci-0000_00_14.2  module-alsa-card.c
8   bluez_card.C8_84_47_04_21_6F    module-bluetooth-device.c

blt@aurora:/$ pactl set-card-profile bluez_card.C8_84_47_04_21_6F a2dp

and it works again