Warmth of a seat that has been vacated by a person who was sitting on it

I fail to recall this word (could be informal in nature) that refers to the 'warmth of a seat that has just been vacated by someone seated on it for some time'.


Let me go ahead and coin "posterior thermoresidual."

Urbandictionary has the following slang terms:

Man Heat

The residual warmth left over on a toilet seat after a man or woman has taken a crap, and or mearly sat there undressed for a period of time. The life force that sustains warm seat warriors.

When I sat down on the bowl I was pleasently surprised (disgustingley horrified) by the residual man heat left by my roommate.

Post-rectal warmth

The uncomfortable warm feeling you get after sitting in a seat that was previously occupied by a "fluffy" person with a huge butt.

"Ewww, that lard butt left post-rectal warmth in my seat!"

ass heat

The residual warmth on a chair or toilet seat from someone else's butt.

I sat down on the throne in stall 2 and I knew that Carl had just been there from all the ass heat.

enter image description here

Image source: http://imgur.com/gallery/foIrRK7

Thermal buttprint, akin to thermal handprint.

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