What word describes a university class in both the UK and the US?

After a bit of research I came to a conclusion that it's hard to use a single word to explain the concept to both UK people and US people.

I found that among UK universities the word module is widely used to describe a series of university lectures on a topic e.g. "Economics 101" or "Introduction to Statistics". Although there are a few universities that interchangeably use both module and unit.

In the US however, I found that word course is used by universities to describe a series of university lectures on a topic. In contrast, UK universities use word course as well as word subject to describe degree names e.g.: A 3-year course in Anthropology or A table of subjects provided at university.

As such, I'd recommend using word module in the UK and word course in the US to describe a series of university lectures on a topic.

Unit works for both US and UK. I work for an international company and do the LMS. The words course and unit are almost interchangeable. The only issue for US universities is sometimes they calculate hours in units, but that should almost help your language barrier.