Can't stop rails server

I am new to rails and I am using an ubuntu machine and the rubymine IDE. The problem is that I am unable to stop the rails server. I tried to stop the server by killing the rails process. But, when I run pgrep -l rails, no such process is found. So, I am only able to kill ruby processes, but, the server won't stop.

I tried ./script/server stop (since I started it by running ./script/server start), but, that didn't work. Googling around and finding some stackoverflow posts, I tried to change the localhost port's listening port but without success. Could someone help?

Solution 1:

You can use other ports like the following:

rails server -p 3001

Normally in your terminal you can try Ctrl + C to shutdown the server.

The other way to kill the Ruby on Rails default server (which is WEBrick) is:

kill -INT $(cat tmp/pids/

In your terminal to find out the PID of the process:

$ lsof -wni tcp:3000

Then, use the number in the PID column to kill the process:

For example:

$ kill -9 PID

And some of the other answers i found is:

To stop the rails server while it's running, press:


You will get control back to bash. Then type (without the $):

$ fg

And this will go back into the process, and then quit out of Rails s properly.

It's a little annoying, but this sure beats killing the process manually. It's not too bad and it's the best I could figure out.

Updated answer:

You can use killall -9 rails to kill all running apps with "rails" in the name.

killall -9 rails

Solution 2:

you can use grep command in following way,

ps aux | grep rails

and then

kill -9 {process_id} 

Solution 3:

pkill -9 rails to kill all the process of rails

Updated answer

ps aux|grep 'rails'|grep -v 'grep'|awk '{ print $2 }'|xargs kill -9

This will kill any running rails process. Replace 'rails' with something else to kill any other processes.