If Xerath gets charmed by Ahri in his self-root (R) stance, will he move?

If Xerath uses Rite of the Arcane (R) and Ahri charms him, will he move, or stay in the same spot?

Solution 1:

If Xerath gets foced to move, the ability will be interrupted and he will move. This counts for Ahri charm, fears (Fiddle Q etc.), knockups (Alistar Q etc.) and knockbacks (3rd Riven Q etc.). Normal stuns, roots or silences won't end the Locus but you are unable to cast spells or autoattack while stunned/silenced.

Also if this stance gets interrupted the Bonus movementspeed will not be granted.

There was also a discussion on the forum to make xerath immune to CC that forces him to move, but he's getting a rework now anyways where they replace the W with another spell.

Solution 2:

Lol wiki seems to state that A champion that roots itself is unable to control its movement and will ignore movement commands (included forced actions, such as fear). A champion that is rooted can still be moved by airborne effects, but it will not break the root.

I will try to test this in the near future
