Combining Dictionaries Of Lists In Python
I have a very large collection of (p, q) tuples that I would like to convert into a dictionary of lists where the first item in each tuple is a key that indexes a list that contains q.
Original List: (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)
Resultant Dictionary: {1:[2, 3], 2:[3]}
Furthermore, I would like to efficiently combine these dictionaries.
Original Dictionaries: {1:[2, 3], 2:[3]}, {1:[4], 3:[1]}
Resultant Dictionary: {1:[2, 3, 4], 2:[3], 3:[1]}
These operations reside within an inner loop, so I would prefer that they be as fast as possible.
Thanks in advance
If the list of tuples is sorted, itertools.groupby
, as suggested by @gnibbler, is not a bad alternative to defaultdict
, but it needs to be used differently than he suggested:
import itertools
import operator
def lot_to_dict(lot):
key = operator.itemgetter(0)
# if lot's not sorted, you also need...:
# lot = sorted(lot, key=key)
# NOT in-place lot.sort to avoid changing it!
grob = itertools.groupby(lot, key)
return dict((k, [v[1] for v in itr]) for k, itr in grob)
For "merging" dicts of lists into a new d.o.l...:
def merge_dols(dol1, dol2):
keys = set(dol1).union(dol2)
no = []
return dict((k, dol1.get(k, no) + dol2.get(k, no)) for k in keys)
I'm giving []
a nickname no
to avoid uselessly constructing a lot of empty lists, given that performance is important. If the sets of the dols' keys overlap only modestly, faster would be:
def merge_dols(dol1, dol2):
result = dict(dol1, **dol2)
result.update((k, dol1[k] + dol2[k])
for k in set(dol1).intersection(dol2))
return result
since this uses list-catenation only for overlapping keys -- so, if those are few, it will be faster.
works like this:
from collections import defaultdict
dic = defaultdict(list)
for i, j in tuples:
similar for the dicts:
a, b = {1:[2, 3], 2:[3]}, {1:[4], 3:[1]}
de = defaultdict(list, a)
for i, j in b.items():
defaltdict to the rescue (as usual)
from collections import defaultdict
my_dict = defaultdict(list)
for key,value in original_list:
Combining the two dicts can be done like this (note that duplicates will be preserved):
for key,value in orig_dict: