Android: Disable soft keyboard at all EditTexts

I am working on a dialog at Android with a few EditTexts. I've put this line at the onCreate() in order to disable the soft keyboard:


The problem is that it works only when the dialog appear and doing nothing. When I move to the next EditText, the keyboard appears and not going down.

Does anybody have an idea how to solve this issue?

Solution 1:

If you take look on onCheckIsTextEditor() method implementation (in TextView), it looks like this:

public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() {
    return mInputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL;

This means you don't have to subclass, you can just:

((EditText) findViewById(; 

I tried setting android:inputType="none" in layout xml but it didn't work for me, so I did it programmatically.

Solution 2:

create your own class that extends EditText and override the onCheckIsTextEditor():

public class NoImeEditText extends EditText {
    public NoImeEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
    public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() {
        return false;

Solution 3:

Try this out..

if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11)   