Convert unicode string dictionary into dictionary in python

You can use built-in ast package:

import ast

d = ast.literal_eval("{'code1':1,'code2':1}")

Help on function literal_eval in module ast:


Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, booleans, and None.

You can use literal_eval. You may also want to be sure you are creating a dict and not something else. Instead of assert, use your own error handling.

from ast import literal_eval
from collections import MutableMapping

my_dict = literal_eval(my_str_dict)
assert isinstance(my_dict, MutableMapping)

EDIT: Turns out my assumption was incorrect; because the keys are not wrapped in double-quote marks ("), the string isn't JSON. See here for some ways around this.

I'm guessing that what you have might be JSON, a.k.a. JavaScript Object Notation.

You can use Python's built-in json module to do this:

import json
result = json.loads(u"{'code1':1,'code2':1}")   # will NOT work; see above

I was getting unicode error when I was reading a json from a file. So this one worked for me.

import ast
job1 = {}
with open('hostdata2.json') as f:
  job1= json.loads(


#print type before converting this from unicode to dic would be <type 'unicode'>

print type(job1)
job1 =  ast.literal_eval(job1)
print "printing type after ast"
print type(job1)
# this should result <type 'dict'>

for each in job1:
 print each
print "printing keys"
print job1.keys()
print "printing values"
print job1.values()