Override element.style using CSS

I have an HTML page from page builder, and it injects style attribute directly to the element. I found it's considered as element.style.

I want to override it using CSS. I can match the element, but it doesn't override it.


How can I override the style using CSS?

Although it's often frowned upon, you can technically use:

display: inline !important;

It generally isn't good practice but in some cases might be necessary. What you should do is edit your code so that you aren't applying a style to the <li> elements in the first place.

This CSS will overwrite even the JavaScript:

#demofour li[style] {
    display: inline !important;

or for only first one

#demofour li[style]:first-child {
    display: inline !important;

element.style comes from the markup.

<li style="display: none;">

Just remove the style attribute from the HTML.