Is it possible to change the font size of the project panel?

Solution 1:

This worked for me in IntelliJ 14.0.3 Community Edition in Ubuntu:

File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance

And then tick on:

[ ] Override default fonts by (not recommended)

    Name: Ubuntu       Size: 14

There you can choose the font and the size of everything: menus, Project panel, Editor, etc... For me, on Linux, it is fine to set it to 15 (default is 14), and then adjust the Editor font alone under:

Editor | General

  [ ] Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel

Solution 2:

UPDATE-2016: it is possible, see this

It's not possible, unfortunately, please watch/vote for the bug.

UPDATE: In the later versions global font/size setting under Settings (Preferences) | Appearance also controls the project view tool window font, but there is still no way to control the project view font individually, without changing the font/size of the other UI elements.

Solution 3:

This can done from File | Settings | Appearance. Modify Name & Size fields under the heading Font as per need.

You might need to restart the IDE for this to take effect.

Solution 4:

I recently had the problem as well; suddenly the font in the project panel was larger than the others. However, I found a hidden option in the settings of IntelliJ which disables this odd behavior:

  • Open the file ~\.IdeaIC2018.1\config\options\ide.general.xml
  • Set the entry with key to false

This is what the file now looks like for me:

  <component name="GeneralSettings">
    <option name="confirmExit" value="false" />
    <option name="processCloseConfirmation" value="TERMINATE" />
    <option name="searchInBackground" value="true" />
  <component name="Registry">
    <entry key="ide.tooltip.initialDelay" value="604" />
    <entry key="tabs.alphabetical" value="true" />
    <entry key="" value="true" />
    <entry key="" value="false" />

I did not found this option in the GUI though.