Strange code in jQuery sources: var !== var ? x : y;

In fact it is written in the comment right above:

// NaN means non-codepoint

So it is mandatory to perform this comparison first to handle the NaN case as in JavaScript:

NaN === NaN returns false.

As pointed out by James Wiseman it is also important to know why the developer used high !== high instead of isNaN(high) which would have been clearer.

It is certainly based on performance. This test shows that a !== a is twenty times faster than isNaN(a).

zzzzBov also indicates that isNaN() could be overwritten, using !== is also more portable.

More info from Benjamin Gruenbaum:

It is also worth noting that NaN does not equal to anything else as well, and also it is not equal to anything else in an unstrict sense

And from Jan Dvorak:

Also note {valueOf:function(){return{}}} does equal itself

The condition high !== high returns true, when high is NaN.I wonder why the jQuery guys did not used the much clear isNaN(high) function instead, but that was probably due to performance reasons as koopajah pointed out.

NaN (Not-a-Number) means a result that cannot be represented as a Number. It is an undeterminated number.

Why NaN === NaN returns false ?


0/0          = NaN
Math.asin(2) = NaN

You know that 0/0 is different than Math.asin(2), so why whould NaN be equal to NaN?