ansible - delete unmanaged files from directory?

Solution 1:

I'd do it like this, assuming a variable defined as 'managed_files' up top that is a list.

- shell: ls -1 /some/dir
  register: contents

- file: path=/some/dir/{{ item }} state=absent
  with_items: contents.stdout_lines
  when: item not in managed_files

Solution 2:

We do this with our nginx files, since we want them to be in a special order, come from templates, but remove unmanaged ones this works:

  # loop through the nginx sites array and create a conf for each file in order
  # file will be name 01_file.conf, 02_file.conf etc
  - name: nginx_sites conf
    template: >
      src=templates/nginx/{{ item.1.template }}
      dest={{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ '%02d' % item.0 }}_{{ item.1.conf_name|default(item.1.template) }}
      owner={{ user }}
      group={{ group }}
    with_indexed_items: nginx_sites
      - restart nginx
    register: nginx_sites_confs

  # flatten and map the results into simple list
  # unchanged files have attribute dest, changed have attribute path
  - set_fact:
      nginx_confs: "{{ nginx_sites_confs.results|selectattr('dest', 'string')|map(attribute='dest')|list + nginx_sites_confs.results|selectattr('path', 'string')|map(attribute='path')|select|list }}"
    when: nginx_sites

  # get contents of conf dir
  - shell: ls -1 {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/*.conf
    register: contents
    when: nginx_sites

  # so we can delete the ones we don't manage
  - name: empty old confs
    file: path="{{ item }}" state=absent
    with_items: contents.stdout_lines
    when: nginx_sites and item not in nginx_confs

The trick (as you can see) is that template and with_items have different attributes in the register results. Then you turn them into a list of files you manage and then get a list of the the directory and removed the ones not in that list.

Could be done with less code if you already have a list of files. But in this case I'm creating an indexed list so need to create the list as well with map.