Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit

Solution 1:

The stack size is an operating system parameter, adjustable per-process (see setrlimit(2)). You can't adjust it from within R as far as I can tell, but you can adjust it from the shell before starting R, with the ulimit command. It works like this:

$ ulimit -s # print default
$ R --slave -e 'Cstack_info()["size"]'

8388608 = 1024 * 8192; R is printing the same value as ulimit -s, but in bytes instead of kilobytes.

$ ulimit -s 16384 # enlarge stack limit to 16 megs
$ R --slave -e 'Cstack_info()["size"]'

To make a permanent adjustment to this setting, add the ulimit command to your shell startup file, so it's executed every time you log in. I can't give more specific directions than that, because it depends on exactly which shell you have and stuff. I also don't know how to do it for logging into a graphical environment (which will be relevant if you're not running R inside a terminal window).

Solution 2:

I suspect that, regardless of stack limit, you'll end up with recursions that are too deep. For instance, with lambda = Inf, f(1) leads to an immediate recursion, indefinitely. The depth of the recursion seems to be a random walk, with some probability r of going deeper, 1 - r of finishing the current recursion. By the time you've hit the stack limit, you've made a large number of steps 'deeper'. This implies that r > 1 / 2, and the very large majority of time you'll just continue to recurse.

Also, it seems like it is almost possible to derive an analytic or at least numerical solution even in the face of infinite recursion. One can define p as the probability that f(1) == 1, write implicit expressions for the 'child' states after a single iteration, and equate these with p, and solve. p can then be used as the chance of success in a single draw from a binomial distribution.