Select the first row by group

From a dataframe like this

test <- data.frame('id'= rep(1:5,2), 'string'= LETTERS[1:10])
test <- test[order(test$id), ]
rownames(test) <- 1:10

> test
    id string
 1   1      A
 2   1      F
 3   2      B
 4   2      G
 5   3      C
 6   3      H
 7   4      D
 8   4      I
 9   5      E
 10  5      J

I want to create a new one with the first row of each id / string pair. If sqldf accepted R code within it, the query could look like this:

res <- sqldf("select id, min(rownames(test)), string 
              from test 
              group by id, string")

> res
    id string
 1   1      A
 3   2      B
 5   3      C
 7   4      D
 9   5      E

Is there a solution short of creating a new column like

test$row <- rownames(test)

and running the same sqldf query with min(row)?

You can use duplicated to do this very quickly.


Benchmarks, for the speed freaks:

ju <- function() test[!duplicated(test$id),]
gs1 <- function(), lapply(split(test, test$id), head, 1))
gs2 <- function(), lapply(split(test, test$id), `[`, 1, ))
jply <- function() ddply(test,.(id),function(x) head(x,1))
jdt <- function() {
  testd <-
  # Initial solution (slow)
  # testd[,lapply(.SD,function(x) head(x,1)),by = key(testd)]
  # Faster options :
  testd[!duplicated(id)]               # (1)
  # testd[, .SD[1L], by=key(testd)]    # (2)
  # testd[J(unique(id)),mult="first"]  # (3)
  # testd[ testd[,.I[1L],by=id] ]      # (4) needs v1.8.3. Allows 2nd, 3rd etc


# sample data
test <- data.frame(id=sample(1e3, 1e5, TRUE), string=sample(LETTERS, 1e5, TRUE))
test <- test[order(test$id), ]

benchmark(ju(), gs1(), gs2(), jply(), jdt(),
    replications=5, order="relative")[,1:6]
#     test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
# 1   ju()            5    0.03    1.000      0.03     0.00
# 5  jdt()            5    0.03    1.000      0.03     0.00
# 3  gs2()            5    3.49  116.333      2.87     0.58
# 2  gs1()            5    3.58  119.333      3.00     0.58
# 4 jply()            5    3.69  123.000      3.11     0.51

Let's try that again, but with just the contenders from the first heat and with more data and more replications.

test <- data.frame(id=sample(1e4, 1e6, TRUE), string=sample(LETTERS, 1e6, TRUE))
test <- test[order(test$id), ]
benchmark(ju(), jdt(), order="relative")[,1:6]
#    test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
# 1  ju()          100    5.48    1.000      4.44     1.00
# 2 jdt()          100    6.92    1.263      5.70     1.15

I favor the dplyr approach.

group_by(id) followed by either

  • filter(row_number()==1) or
  • slice(1) or
  • slice_head(1) #(dplyr => 1.0)
  • top_n(n = -1)
    • top_n() internally uses the rank function. Negative selects from the bottom of rank.

In some instances arranging the ids after the group_by can be necessary.


# using filter(), top_n() or slice()

m1 <-
test %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 

m2 <-
test %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 

m3 <-
test %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
  top_n(n = -1)

All three methods return the same result

# A tibble: 5 x 2
# Groups:   id [5]
     id string
  <int> <fct> 
1     1 A     
2     2 B     
3     3 C     
4     4 D     
5     5 E

What about

DT <- data.table(test)
setkey(DT, id)

DT[J(unique(id)), mult = "first"]


There is also a unique method for data.tables which will return the the first row by key

jdtu <- function() unique(DT)

I think, if you are ordering test outside the benchmark, then you can removing the setkey and data.table conversion from the benchmark as well (as the setkey basically sorts by id, the same as order).

test <- data.frame(id=sample(1e3, 1e5, TRUE), string=sample(LETTERS, 1e5, TRUE))
test <- test[order(test$id), ]
DT <- data.table(DT, key = 'id')
ju <- function() test[!duplicated(test$id),]

jdt <- function() DT[J(unique(id)),mult = 'first']

benchmark(ju(), jdt(), replications = 5)
##    test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self 
## 2 jdt()            5    0.01        1      0.02        0        
## 1  ju()            5    0.05        5      0.05        0         

and with more data

** Edit with unique method**

test <- data.frame(id=sample(1e4, 1e6, TRUE), string=sample(LETTERS, 1e6, TRUE))
test <- test[order(test$id), ]
DT <- data.table(test, key = 'id')
       test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self 
2  jdt()            5    0.09     2.25      0.09     0.00    
3 jdtu()            5    0.04     1.00      0.05     0.00      
1   ju()            5    0.22     5.50      0.19     0.03        

The unique method is fastest here.

A simple ddply option:

ddply(test,.(id),function(x) head(x,1))

If speed is an issue, a similar approach could be taken with data.table:

testd <- data.table(test)
testd[,.SD[1],by = key(testd)]

or this might be considerably faster:

testd[testd[, .I[1], by = key(testd]$V1]