Why Git is not allowing me to commit even after configuration?

This question seems like a duplicate but it's really not. Just a slight difference that keeps on repeating. git keeps on telling me: "please tell me who you are", even after setting it up. when I run git commit, this is what I get....

$ git commit

*** Please tell me who you are.


git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

git config --global user.name "Your Name"

to set your account's default identity.
Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'Obby@ObbyWorkstation.(none)')

But when I run git config --global -l, it gives me all my details...

$ git config --global -l
[email protected]

I have changed my name, email and proxy but they are appearing fine when I run the command, even in the .gitconfig file I can see the values are set. what could be the missing thing, because I cannot commit at all. Every time it keeps asking me who I am ?

@sheu told me something that i changed, but still the same problem. when i set --local, still git commit asks me the same question. this is the output

$ git config --local -l
[email protected]

Solution 1:

That’s a typo. You’ve accidently set user.mail with no e in email. Fix it by setting user.email in the global configuration with

git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

Solution 2:

You're setting the global git options, but the local checkout possibly has overrides set. Try setting them again with git config --local <setting> <value>. You can look at the .git/config file in your local checkout to see what local settings the checkout has defined.

Solution 3:

Do you have a local user.name or user.email that's overriding the global one?

git config --list --global | grep user
  user.name=YOUR NAME
git config --list --local | grep user
  user.name=YOUR NAME

If so, remove them

git config --unset --local user.name
git config --unset --local user.email

The local settings are per-clone, so you'll have to unset the local user.name and user.email for each of the repos on your machine.