How to get my project path? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
get path for my .exe using c#

Hello I have a question: How can I get my root project path? what I mean is the first folder in the project where the solution is. I found that command :


However it gives me a specific path to the release folder: wanted_Path/bin/Release

So is there other code, should I cut it manually or put my files in the Release folder??

This gives you the root folder:


You can navigate from here using .. or ./ etc.. , Appending .. takes you to folder where .sln file can be found

For .NET framework (thanks to Adiono comment)


For .NET core here is a way to do it (thanks to nopara73 comment)

Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "..\\..\\..\\")) ;

You can use

string wanted_path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()));

var requiredPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(
      System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase )));

Your program has no knowledge of where your VS project is, so see get path for my .exe and go ../.. to get your project's path.