Infinitive Clause For "Curious"

I need some help about the infinitive clause that comes after "curious".
Let's say that I am "curious" about a locked room. Then, could I write this:

I am curious to open the door.

I checked a few dictionaries, and they say that the infinitive clause after "curious" should be along the lines of "to know", "to find out", or "to see", not "to open".
Does that mean my example is wrong?

The definition of curious is

a. eager to know or learn something

If we substitute curious for its definition we get:

I am eager to know to open the door

Which is nonsense. If you are trying to convey curiosity about what's on the other side of the door, you should say that. Something like:

I am curious about what is behind the door

I take your usage to be wrong, as you suggest.

curious is an adjective that applies to a person or animal and indicates per Merriam-Webster:

a : marked by desire to investigate and learn

b : marked by inquisitive interest in others' concerns

Thus, it pairs with will and knowledge verbs not physical action verbs.