Connotation of term autodidact

Solution 1:

I think you've answered your own question above. It largely has to do with context. There is certainly no inherent connotation to the word other than self-taught.

There are definitely situations where being self-taught is positive, negative, and neutral.

For instance: A 15 year-old piano prodigy being an autodidact has an extremely positive connotation. (Some would call him a genius . . .)

A neurosurgeon who is an autodidact, well, that might be construed as negative. (Most would call him a criminal.)

I'm a serious amateur photographer who is an autodidact. I'd say it's fairly neutral. (The judgement would be withheld pending the quality of my work.)

Note I strongly prefer self-taught in my own usage.

Solution 2:

To answer based on the usage I would say it has a slight negative connotation. First, this is not an informal word I would hear in a conversation. Second, if I were "self-taught", then using the word to reference myself is kind of like saying, "Not only am I self-taught, but I know big words too."