Word for someone who likes it fast

Fastness can be applied to anything.

Characteristics of this person can be:

  • likes a fast-paced life (in general)
  • likes things to be done quickly
  • doesn't like to waste time
  • doesn't like to spend time on things that may take too much time
  • if things get slower or if they are not done as fast, he loses enthusiasm
  • likes people around him to be fast also
  • likes fast machines/animals (ex: fast cars, cheetah, peregrine falcon)
  • likes fast internet (who doesn't?)

It is not as simple as being:

  • punctual
  • hasty
  • impatient
  • quick-tempered
  • slacker (irony?)

It is like a life style. There is a term "speed freak" but it is too exaggerated and it has other connotations as well. I'm not sure if there is a word that exactly fits but at least it can be as close as possible or a phrase.

fast and furious?

Edit: He is not in hyperactive state. He can enjoy relaxing/keeping calm at times and spending time on the things he likes. It should not be associated with a disorder, it should be associated with a life-style or a culture maybe. Or just a characteristic feature.

Solution 1:

He is restless, he is dynamic, he's a dynamo. He's got zip and zing! He's an elemental force.

Solution 2:

Type A Personality fits many of the traits you are describing.

These are people who do not like to waste time. They are highly concerned with their schedules. The like to be on time. They prefer things to work efficiently and quickly around them.

This often bleeds over into their personal lives. They tend to prefer fast cars, etc. They don't have time for complex interpersonal relationships that they see as wasting their time.

NOTE: The terminology has stuck around despite the original studies that coined it having been largely disproven. Its meaning has been expanded by popular culture to mean things like: aggressive, tight-assed, obsessive, etc.