Punkbuster keeps kicking me for weird reasons. 'Invalid Memory Image'; how to resolve?

So on top of getting kicked from Battlefield 3 games because of a 'lost connection to EA online' error I just recently got this gem;

Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster.
Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Hashbrown777' (for 0 minutes) ...
RESTRICTION: Invalid Memory Image [130511]

I've had a bit of a look around and people seem to think it can be caused by modding (HUD modifications etc) but I have none.

I have no expansions and am just running the bare game. I repair installed and updated PB but they found nothing (said no corruptions and already up to date respectively).

I keep getting kicked for this and other reasons, but this one seems to be the most odd (and thus, hopefully, able to pinpoint a cause). Has anyone got any ideas?

Solution 1:

This may be a case of a macro application or PunkBuster mistaking its own memory writes as malicious ones.

By macro application, I mean something that fires off multiple clicks/keypresses when you hit another key. Do you have anything like this running? If so, perhaps try closing that before starting Battlefield. I had a similar issue with my Logitech keyboard and its "G-Keys".

By "memory writes" I mean modification to game data in your RAM, (which is where data such as your current health/velocity etc. reside). PunkBuster defends against this so players can't perform a lot of client-side hacks.

Source: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Battlefield-3/Punkbuster-problem/td-p/1446652